Ahok Dan Surat Penyemangat Dari Rutan Mako Brimob…

Potret Berita – Hingga saat ini, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama masih rutin membalas surat yang dikirimkan untuknya di dalam Mako Brimob. Salah satu surat ditulis oleh seorang siswa SMA bernama Bonfilius Anselmo.
Bonfilius Anselmo merupakan cucu dari Threes Emir, seorang penulis yang beberapa waktu lalu mengunjungi Ahok di Mako Brimob bersama penulis lain. Anselmo menulis surat dalam bahasa Inggris dan menceritakan rencananya menulis buku.
“Kita pas kumpul, Mamanya bilang ‘Elmo, Oma mau ke Pak Ahok loh hari Jumat. Kamu mau titip surat enggak?” ujar Threes.
Threes mengatakan, Anselmo menilis surat itu hingga larut malam. Keesokan harinya, dia membawa surat itu saat mengunjungi Ahok bersama penulis lain, tepatnya pada 13 Oktober 2017. Threes pun menyampaikan surat itu kepada Ahok ketika dia akan pulang.
“Pak, ini saya dititipin cucu saya nulis surat. Dia bilangnya, ‘wah tapi kalau surat lama ya Bu balasnya karena sekarang saya baru balas yang bulan September’,” kata Threes.
Threes mengatakan, sebenarnya dia tidak terlalu berharap banyak surat Anselmo akan dibalas cepat setelah mendengar jawaban Ahok. Namun, tiba-tiba kemarin ada kiriman surat yang sampai ke rumah Anselmo. Setelah dibuka oleh ibu Anselmo, ternyata surat balasan dari Ahok.
“Baru juga dua minggu, awalnya saya kira akan dibalas Desember,” kata Threes.
Anselmo justru belum membaca surat balasan Ahok karena masih beraktivitas di luar rumah. Justru Threes dan ibu Elmo-lah yang lebih dulu membaca dan merasa terharu. Sebab, balasan Ahok terasa benar-benar personal.
“Aku terharunya suratnya personal. Dia baca benar Elmo mau nulis buku dan dia balasnya juga kasih semangat gitulah,” ujar Threes.
Surat Bonfilius Elmo
Dalam suratnya, Anselmo mengucapakan banyak hal. Dimulai dari ucapan terima kasih, rencananya menulis buku dan mengirimkannya ke Ahok, hingga kekagumannya kepada Ahok. Berikut ini adalah surat berbahasa Inggris yang ditulis Anselmo:
Dear Mr Ahok,
Allow me to begin this letter with a brief introduction of myself. My name is Bonfilius Anselmo, grandson of Threes Emir, who visits you along with some other writers, the day I wrote this letter. Currently, I’m a third year studying in Gonzaga High School. My usual hobbies are reading and writing about various things, mostly in English.
I would like to thank you for your past contributions as the former governor of Jakarta. Although many perceive your actions and manners as controversial, they have been proven that you were strongly capable governor during your time. I, along with my friends who may not have the opportunity to write this, would like to thank you deeply for that.
While I don’t usually watch news about politics, I admire your awareness real problems, and your bravery to tackle those problem head-on, without fear. From what I’ve seen around me, sometimes in my school, some people are too afraid to see real problems, so they just close their eyes and be happy in their own world, free from worries.
Recently my school is preparing to publish book consisting of compilation of student’s writing, as commemoration of our 6th Lustrum/5 yearly celebration. The main topic is about spirit of nationalism, and I contribute in that book with my partner, Patrick, with our writing about transactional politic. We do hope that we can send the book later to you.
As of late, I’ve been writing a series of short stories about various topics. I feel like this is one way I can do my writing hobby. I’m thinking that maybe I could realease a book on containing those stories, like what my grandmother does. If I do end up publishing that book someday, whenever that is, I’d love it if you can give it a read.
I guess that’s it from me in this letter. Once again, thank you for everything you’ve done during your time, and stay strong.
Respectfully yours,
Bonfilius Anselmo
Balasan Ahok
Meski mengatakan akan lama membalas surat, ternyata Ahok membaca surat Anselmo lebih cepat. Terbukti, ketika surat Anselmo diberikan Threes pada 13 Oktober, Ahok menulis balasannya pada 14 Oktober. Surat itu sampai ke rumah Anselmo kemarin, Jumat.
Threes menilai surat balasan Ahok begitu personal karena yang ditulis bukan hal bersifat umum. Dalam surat itu, Ahok menyemangati Anselmo tentang bukunya. Ahok juga tidak sabar menunggu untuk membaca buku Anselmo suatu saat nanti. Berikut ini adalah surat balasan dari Ahok :
Dear Bonfilius Anselmo
Thank you for your support. I believe your grandmother ibu Threes Emir is very proud of you. You have a talent in writing, very good (excelent English).
I hope I will get your book soon. I will read it. I have to say thank you to all my enemies who want me in prison. I have much time for reading, writing, exercise, pray/meditation here.
I’ve trained my self in self control, forgiveness, and learn how to serve people with joyful heart.
Thank God for all this circumstances.
Waiting for your book soon!
Best regards.
Mako Brimob
( Potret Berita )